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Teenage Barnabas: Rolling With It In 2020


We have been recycling furniture and restoring lives since 2006. Can you believe Barnabas is now almost 15? The teen years have, as they famously do, brought change and development. Last year we blossomed, thanks to an expansion featuring added warehouse space, a new truck, additional staff, and extended warehouse hours. And then the ball dropped on 2020. You know the deal. This year unfolded in a way none of us expected. As the Triad's only nonprofit furniture bank, we knew we had to hold on tight to be here for our community. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we refreshed our referral process to make sure no one falls through the cracks at a time when many of our partner agencies are facing their own set of challenges -- and we adapted and enhanced our program of service with the safety of our clients, team members, and donors in mind.

Here is a snippet of what our shopping appointments look like now. Ms. Wilson is a single mother of six children. The family fled an unsafe living situation and found stable housing, but they had no furniture. The Wilsons' FaceTime shopping experience resulted in a houseful of furniture (including multiple small desks for remote learning!), a good start on setting up a functional home.

We're proud to be here, open and accepting referrals when our community needs us most. It's true what Bon Jovi says: the more things change, the more they stay the same. We're going to keep on rocking, and we're so thankful for your support.

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